So I had the pleasure of seeing my work screened at an amazing theater (pictured below) as part of a film festival. I didn't produce it but I did write it and was part of the cast. It was kind of a surreal experience. Granted it was only a 15min film, but the fact that something I wrote was now being screened in the type of theater where you'd see major blockbuster type was so...scary. I know that wasn't what you were expecting me to say. It's the realization that I have more power over my career than I previously perceived that makes the experience scary. I have the power and the ability to write something, give other actors opportunities, have someone who believes in my work that's willing to put money behind my words...isn't that what people dream about? I absolutely never, EVER, wanted to be anything except an actor. Just let me audition, book the role, get my call time and do what I do! I guess God has other plans for me. A strong passion for writing has started. Not just writing but producing and that's a whole other ball game. I realized that the fear of success is and can be very crippling. The fear of, "Oh crap, this might actually work and I've had no formal training or anything!" is...well it could really stop you from moving forward into your greatness. And even though it sounds silly, there are plenty of people who have unknowingly sabotaged their own dreams because they weren't able to admit that yes, they have a fear of success. I guess it's having some knowledge of what comes along with success; the expectations placed on you by yourself and other people, people depending on you for their own well being, wondering how long this success will last, etc. that perpetuates the fear. But never fear, I'm a fighter. Not like that...well...I can be if necessary lol, but my parents instilled in me a crazy work ethic. They've instilled in me never to give up on your dreams no matter how scary or impossible it may seem. So a new journey has began. Although I don't know how I'm going to get there, as long as I keep God first, I know success will be my destination. Don't forget to follow on Twitter and Instagram - @ShashoneLambert
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