Sunday, August 1, 2010

Not convinced

You know I've come to realize that not every acting class is for me. I know you're on the edge of your seat trying to figure out how I came to this conclusion!! So, I'm gonna tell ya. There's a class for everything now. On-camera classes, off-camera classes, behind the camera classes, on the side of the camera classes...well you get the point. I can't help but wonder what actors before me did when these classes weren't available. Hmmm, let's see...they trained and performed. Simple enough. Yes, it's important to know how you look on camera, how to audition, how to cold read. But come on people, that's why you start off with the student films, the off-off-off broadway plays. That's why you go on as many auditions as possible because practice makes perfect. Even the A-list actors talk about some very embarrassing audition moments which means bad auditions are just going to happen, and going to an audition class is not going to stop that. Some actors take these classes as a substitution for a real acting technique class and I feel that disservices them. Maybe it's just me. What do you think?

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