Saturday, May 25, 2013

I don't like some actors!

What a way to title my blog, huh? Trust me, this is not a rant. It's more of an observation.  I would call myself an actor first, then writer, then director.  My recent job as a director was an eye opening experience.  It kills me when I come across actors with a sense of entitlement.  It's more painful when these actors are new to this business.  I guess with reality shows and YouTube thrusting people into "stardom", some feel like they don't need to pay their dues.  I mean listen, if you're going to be cocky with it, at least be on point with yours.  What actors fail to realize is that as much as you have to be talented, people have to want to work with you.  Going through the casting process has taught me so much about being a likeable actor.  There were actors who walked in the door with their negative energy.  Since I don't know them, I assumed that they might bring that negativity to rehearsals as well as to the performances.  I'd rather not take that chance.  You have actors who want to worry about everything else except what they should be worried about...which is acting!!  You don't need to worry about who's doing the lights when you can't even remember your lines or blocking.  Taking directions?!! This simple concept is so foreign to some actors.  How about playing the blame game? "There was a piece of dust on the floor so I forgot my line". Gotta love it!  All I can do is wish these actors the best.  I can guarantee that they are in for a rude awakening.  This business is so cutthroat and only the strong survive.  As always: Loving Jesus, life and every opportunity.  Until next time...


  1. I went through sorta the same thing putting together a various artist CD with neo soul artist and poets. I wanted to feature new artist with established and guess who gave me trouble, the newbies. They expected advances, say so about who else is on the project, they had lawyers calling me demanding stuff, and my established artist didnt give me any of that, they got 86'd,lol. This entitlement thing newbies go through is real, I can smell it on them at castings,lol. You wrote this blog so well I not only felt it, I could see it going on,lol. PPl need reality checks before they get the real check from us, my 2 cents

  2. At least I'm not the only one who sees this problem!! Thanks for taking the time to read & comment.
